Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Corona: A spiritual warfare?

The communications around Corona instill so much fear, that all I can hear is very loud alarm bells ringing. 

At first, I ignored these warning signs because I was so caught up planning the Survivors Thriving event and my book launch, The Lioness Uncaged on Mar 13th. I also ignored signs I was receiving weeks before Mar 13th, encouraging me to slow down, practice greater self care and focus. I was too attached to the intended outcomes of my book and not wanting to let my women and girls down at The Lioness Circle.

On Mar 11, The Survivors Thriving event was almost cancelled by my directors because of Corona alert but I argued against it and requested it go ahead. On the big day, I was so anxious about whether people would attend or whether the event would get shut down because of the virus. I'm very pleased to say the event went ahead and was a success.

After Mar 13th, I'd planned not to do much for the rest of March. In fact, it was my annual leave. I'm so glad I'd done that because in reality, I was too exhausted, worn out and deflated to do anything. I still didn't pay much attention to the Corona virus. In fact, I'd lost some focus on my spiritual daily rituals like daily meditation, journaling and affirmation. I was just existing. I was at level 1. I knew this but was too distracted to do anything more than to just exist for that time period.

However in the past week, I started to take in some information on TV, reading news articles, listening to podcasts and talking to friends and family. I got so anxious a couple days ago that I could hardly breathe. 

I heard the same alarm bells, but this time, they were even louder. I heard my higher self telling me it's not real. I knew it was time to reconnect with my spirituality. I knew there was more for me to learn on the spiritual plane but I felt too far away from where I needed to be. The truth is, I was still tired abd didn't thinking I had enough mental strength to focus in the way I knew I should.

Over the last couple of days, I was led down my paths of least resistance where I've been receiving messages that reminds me:

"Feeling too much fear gives up our power and control over our being, which is exactly what this Corona virus pandemic does. It control our minds, and take away our freedom of movement amongst other things."

I'm reminded that anything we focus our minds on is exactly what we produce more of. So if we allow fear to control our minds, we'll subconsciously attract more things on the same vibrational level - which is what we don't want.

The best way to avoid this is to change our perspective and raise our vibration. 

Been locked away at home slows us down for sure. But instead of watching news and feeling like we're in prison, which brings about more fear, why not change your perspective and imagine you've intentionally set aside this time to be with yourself and your family? Why not use this time to look within and connect with your spiritual self? Why not study a new FREE or cheap course on or Open University? Why not read a book, mine is available now on Amazon by searching The Lioness Uncaged.

Changing your perspective to something more positive raises your vibration level, improve your mental wellbeing, gives you greater clarity and insight, and connect you closer to who you really are. You don't need anyone to tell you anything. You already have all the answers within.

If Corona is a spiritual warfare, the best way to win is to take back your power and control from the fear it creates and connect with your higher self for direction, guidance and protection. 

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